Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Menganti is Beautiful Virgin Beach

Menganti that i've ever heard is the virgin beach with white sands......

On 22 Sept 2013, a very sunny morning, i decided to vacation with my close friend to one of the beaches in Central Java. This beach is famous for its white sands and beautiful scene.  Therefore, this beach is known as Virgin Beach.

What is the name ??? Yeah, the beach is Menganti

Menganti is located in Kebumen, a city in Central Java, adjacent to Banyumas city. I travelled from Purwokerto by motorcycle for about 2 hours. The way to the Menganti is very turtuous, because it surrounded by Serayu mountaint. Although a long journey, but trust me it was paid for the beauty of scene.

After 2 hours for trip, i arrived at midday. The hot sun didn't prevent to me for enjoying the beach. After arrived, me and my friend decided to take a break at a food stall while enjoying the beach. 

After that, i headed to the highland for looked Menganti from the top. This journey by foot for approximately 15 minutes to reach the top. At the top of this land, there is a lighthouse that is used to see the sights around. 
woooow, this is a wonderful beach that i've ever seen... the blue water, brunt of the waves, fisherman, white sands, coral reef, beauty mountaint, and all of it, i seen from the top!
I sat on the grasses and admire the beauty of God's creation while chatting with my friends. i didn't forget to take some pictures of the sight. 

I didn't feel the time showed at 4 pm, and i rushed down to feel the beach while waiting for the sunset. I saw a lot of marine organism that live in the coral beach like starfish, sea urchins, clams, sea cucumber, and many more. This indicates that the beach is still virgin, there has not been contaminated by pollutant. 
So wonderful! 
i enjoyed the sea water and white sands until sunset time arrives. Instantaneous, sea water also has begun its ups, and it was time for me to return home.

It was highly recommended place for refresh our mind,, 
Menganti i will come back for next journey... 
See you Menganti, thankyou for the beauty of you...

Me at the highland

i feel freedom yeaaaaah

Menganti from the highland

The beautiful Menganti from the highland

Waiting a sunset time

Enjoying the beach


Sea urchins


Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Red Planet Pioneer", New World History of Dutch

“Living on Mars may sound like impossible, but for Dutch, it is possible”

Earth as our home which until now we stayed, continues to experience damage. It is caused by humans are destroying the environment of earth. Earth is more dense population which spread across the continents. Total amount of the Earth’s population has reached six billion, and this number will increase along with the development of technology. Population growth will result in environmental damage such as Global Warming. It will cause a lot of fear in people about the future of this earth. And many people think, is there any place other than earth to be habitable? 

We need another place which capable supporting life like on earth.

Dutch is never stopped uncover a new knowledge. Currently, Dutch are on mission where human on earth can migrate to Mars as next place habitable, it is called Mars One.
Mars: Could you live in these condition?
Dutch plans to land human on Mars in April, 2023 as the beginning of life in Mars. This project has a background to explore outer space as a home to live other than Earth. It was first initiated by Gerard’t Hooft, an ambassador for Mars One. Why Should Mars?

The solar system has ten planets. Based on several studies have shown that Mercury and Venus are too hot because it’s close to the sun. Jupiter is uninhabitable because it is composed by gas. Saturnus, Uranus, and Neptunus are too cold because far from the sun. There’s only one possibility namely Mars (Red Planet).

Creating a new life on Mars is not easy, several steps will be taken to achieve it. The first step is Mars One will launch a communication satellite and a supply mission in 2016. The second is send a large rover to the Mars in 2018. The third is launch equipment life support and another rover in 2020. And then the first human will be arrived in 2023. 

Dutch is currently preparing a vehicle to get to Mars. They plan to launch many components Falcon Heavy Rocket. It is still in development.

Currently, Mars One is providing applications for anyone who wants to inhabit the Red Planets.  The ticket cost about US$ 38. And then the Mars One will launch to identify the suitable colonist. Human who go to the Mars will live there for the rest of their lives because they only have one way ticket. It means, they can’t come back to the earth.

An artist's impression of living condition on Mars
Dutch will build the remarkable new history and a new civilization on Mars. It is a remarkable discovery for establishing new life in another planet. The megaproject is not easy and can’t be done by other countries.

A life in Mars will appear, and Dutch is early Red Planet pioneer.


Howard, Jacqueline. 2012. Mars One: Dutch Startup Aims To Colonize Red Planet In 2023. Diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2013.
Leasca, S. 2012. Dutch Groups Planst to Colonize Mars by 2023. globalpost-blogs/weird-wide-web/dutch-group-plans-colonize-mars-2023-video. Diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2013.
Lintang, yopies. 2013. Buruan Daftar Migrasi Ke Planet Mars. Diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2013.
Mike. 2012. Want to move to Mars in 2023? Venture aims to make it so. Diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2013.
Morse, Felicity. 2012. Mars One: Dutch Mission Wants To Establish First Human Settlement On The Red Planet. http:// www. huffingtonpost. co. uk/2012/06/01/colonising-mars-dutch-mission-mars-one-red-planet_n_1562637. html. Diakses tanggal 10 Mei 2013.

“Belanda, Sang Pioneer Konsep Green Country Masa Depan”

Negara Belanda sebagai "Green Country"

Perkembangan dunia saat ini sedang berada dalam tingkat kemajuan yang sangat tinggi, khususnya dalam bidang teknologi modern. Disisi lain, akibat perkembangan tersebut muncul permasalahan lingkungan yaitu penipisan lapisan ozon akibat emisi polutan di udara. Penyebab efek tersebut karena penggunaan teknologi yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Namun, Belanda memiliki konsep Green country yang berbeda dengan negara lainnya, yaitu pengembangan teknologi modern berbasis ramah lingkungan dan pelestarian sumber daya alam hayati. 

Bidang industri merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar kerusakan lingkungan. Namun Belanda memiliki teknologi ramah lingkungan dalam bidang industri yaitu Kincir Angin. Kincir Angin dibangun di Belanda sejak abad ke-13. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat, kincir angin di Belanda memiliki Industrial function untuk meningkatkan perekonomian negara yaitu sebagai sarana dibidang pertanian dan industri seperti produksi kertas, pengasah kayu, pengeluaran minyak dari biji, dan penggilingan jagung. Teknologi ini bersifat ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan tenaga angin untuk menjalankan fungsinya dan tidak menghasilkan limbah toxic seperti asap dan logam berat. 

Bidang transportasi juga merupakan penyumbang besar dalam hal kerusakan lingkungan karena menghasilkan polusi udara. Belanda memiliki teknologi ramah lingkungan dalam bidang transportasi yaitu dengan konsep pemanfaatan air sebagai sarana transportasi. Penggunaan sistem ini menggunakan jalur kanal. Konsep ini mampu menghasilkan salah satu kota di Belanda yaitu Giethoorn sebagai kota bebas polusi. Seluruh aktifitas di kota ini menggunakan jalur transportasi air. Saat ini Negara-negara maju sedang membuat kendaraan yang ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi polusi udara, namun Belanda sudah menggunakan konsep transportasi ramah lingkungan ini sejak abad ke-19. Teknologi ini bersifat ramah lingkungan karena memanfaatkan sumber daya air dan tidak menghasilkan polusi udara. 

Kerusakan lingkungan lainnya dapat disebabkan dari keberadaan sampah. Belanda merupakan negara pelopor yang mampu mengolah sampah secara ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan bahan alami untuk mendaur ulang sampah tersebut. Salah satu diantaranya Negara ini memiliki konsep penetralisir sampah menggunakan Algae yang mampu menetralisir limbah cair beracun dan meningkatkan efisiensi sistem pengelolaan limbah. Konsep pengelolaan limbah berbasis sumber daya alam tersebut hingga saat ini belum banyak dilakukan di beberapa negara maju dan berkembang. 

 Selain menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan dalam mengelola sampah atau limbah. Belanda juga mampu mengubah limbah menjadi sumber energi bagi negaranya. Belanda memiliki megaproyek pembangkit tenaga listrik berbasis kotoran unggas yang disebut Delta NV. Delta NV mampu menghasilkan listrik cukup besar yaitu sekitar 90.000 rumah per tahun. Teknologi ini bersifat ramah lingkungan karena memanfaatkan limbah sebagai sumber energi utama. Selain menguntungkan dalam industri pembangkit tenaga listrik, Delta NV ini menjadi pelopor solusi dalam pengelolaan limbah kotoran unggas. 

Selain melakukan pengembangan teknologi, sebagai Negara yang peduli akan lingkungan, Belanda juga mengembangkan pelestarian variasi Bunga Tulip. Pelestarian hayati penting dilakukan sebagai wujud menjaga kelestarian sumber daya alam. Selain itu, bunga tulip dapat dimanfaatkan juga sebagai penahan banjir. Pengembangan inovasi teknologi ramah lingkungan dan pengembangan sumber daya alam hayati yang dilakukan Belanda menjadikan negara ini sebagai pelopor Green country. Konsep yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh Negara-negara lain di masa depan demi keberlangsungan hidup yang lebih baik di bumi ini. 

Netherland as Pioneer, Save our earth for living better!

Agustiar. 2012. Belanda tawarkan Pengolahan Limbah.  http: //www. berita. php? act=full&id=9421&kat=6#. UYoaZWdK4-g. Diakses tanggal 5 Mei 2013.
Anonim. 2008. Memorandum of Understanding 4Gas and Delta LNG. Diakses tanggal 6 Mei 2013.
Anonim. 2013. Diakses tanggal 6 Mei 2013.