Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unconditional Love

Love, a word easy to say but difficult to explain. Many people are saying about love, talk with easy about love without knowing the meaning of love. For me love is the same as White is the word that represents the color of clean, pure, and spotless.

Love is clean because it was sincere.

Love is not conditional because there are some people who say love is blind, yes it's true love is blind. For us who have to get love,our hearts should be able to also get sincerity, because love is sacred away from liver disease. Wonder indeed for people who love dirty of white, true color is a destructive love itself, it's not real love. Only love is thin with desire, lust was black, unlike dirty white. Black is always opposed to white.

Many stories about love, love to talk about whiteness. indeed sweet, sad? is certain. It was love. Reminded of a story, about someone who is caring for his wife for 25 years, for him if people in this world glorifies a lovebut do not want to give time, energy, thought, attention is vanity. A good phrase, indeed. He sacrificed his life for love, that's what I said his name was a sincerity. Love is clean, white will always hijab with lust. Clean love we have, for it has always been the color most clean and pure, that is white.

Unconditional love for his sincerity, until whenever love will still be white.
keep that love in the heart as unconditional love, make love as aconditioning and helper corruptions of our hearts, for us to keep the black hijab.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nightmare (The most Frightening Thing)

Nightmare is one of the most frightening thing, especially for me. Sometimes nightmare can scare us until finally we made ​​upset, stress, and so on ..

How the nightmare could happen?

Some studies explain that the nightmare could come when the condition of the body is tired, even exhausted. in addition, people also say nightmare in part able to come because we forget to pray before bed. yes, sometimes indeed I often fall asleep until I forget to pray.

Nightmare is like a dream three-dimensional, we like actually exist in the dream and make matters worse nightmare is always indicated by a very bad dream, like death, accidents, murder,and so on.

Dream was always associated with the interest of our sleep, but who like the nightmares, and worse after that we will be overshadowed by the nightmare. And whether it's nightmare will materialize? most people thought it was just a flower bed, but for me still. Flowers were beautiful and the nightmare was bad, very bad so it can not be equated with flowers.

Dont to get a nightmare, pray and sleep.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dreams Will Guide Your Way

How important the dream?
dream is a direction or path in your life, what you want it as the foundation of life. Sometimes parents told us "Do not dream can not be higher then if it hurt". to me that the phrase is wrong, very wrong ... 

We must have the highest dreams, because it is our benchmark. Life must have a direction, can not walk at will. What you want in life? Please start your dream and write in a sheet of paper or remember in your brain, remember and hold and try to pursue that dream. Trust me your life would feel meaning less.

Do not let your dream can not you get, this is the motivation aliveYou will not be willing to let your heart hurt, regret, or disappointed are'nt you?

Then what are you doing?
Yes, dreaming and get ..

Do not be afraid to dream, because of the dream what you want will be happen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wanita itu Hebat !

Today was much encouraged about the emancipation of women. The question: what is the emancipation of women? Talking about emancipation depicted is a form of gender equality, of equal rights, and of course about the struggle. Basically men and women are very different, not seen from any physical parts but about the mind and emotions of the soul, those things which make men superior than women. 

Well, that's nature!
Actually just different ways of thinking, and it can still be changed.
Women in the future should be able to think like that, women were created to be placed side by side with the men next to them rather than below it. Based on the expression of the creation of Adam and Hawa, Hawa was created from a rib from his left adam prophet, not the bottom. Women should be more sensitive about it. Women have the same rights as men, right to work hard, to succeed without having to forget the nature of women are in the kitchen and take care of the child. This wonderful woman, multi-talents! thankful for being created as a woman.
she was more powerful!
A Women should not be lazy because women have equal rights. Right to life,live a life as he wishes. Women's future should be more independent, changing the way of thinking than using emotional logic, because that is the figure of women weakness. Women have a right to be champions. Women should able to be her self not all the things dependent with men.
Who is the women today already to be women future ? the answer is You.